Thursday, May 17, 2007

Initial Pro-Life Walk around Stanley Park

Hi all,
This morning I posted my first post that would kick-off this blog, and since then I've received a request for information on the initial pro-life walk around Stanley Park. So I thought it wise to post the initial email I sent out a few months ago to various pro-life groups here (this is also good to read if you want to know more about our organization, called Crossroads):

Hi all,
As the semester is coming to a close and as those last papers/exams are due/coming up, I'm sure your all thinking already about how your going to spend the summer. Well, whether your working or studying, we'd like to invite you out to a college pro-life walk that is taking place on Saturday, May 19, 2007, around Stanley Park. The walk around Stanley Park is open to all, and is an excellent opportunity to bear witness to the pro-life cause in Vancouver. For a group of Canadian college-age students, this walk around Stanley Park is the commencement of a 3-month walk across Canada (sponsored by a group called Crossroads). If you havn't heard of them, don't be surprised - this is the first year that they're doing the walk in Canada (it's existed in the US since 1995). We would like as many people to join us for this first 8 km of our journey, so please come out to bear witness to the pro-life message with your fellow students!

The walk across Stanley Park will follow this schedule:
-optional Mass at 12:10 in Holy Rosary Cathedral, 646 Richards St. Vancouver, BC.
-meet with fellow pro-lifers outside the Cathedral at 12:45. Pack a lunch if you havn't had lunch yet
-at 1:30, after everyone has arrived/eaten, we leave for Stanley Park. For those without cars, we will be taking a 10 minute bus-ride, so bring bus fare! We will take the 19 bus to the Vancouver Rowing Club (the beginning of the seawall path).
-we start the walk at about 2:00pm, and walk, walk, walk for life! (if you have a pro-life shirt, bring it!)
-the walk will actually not go around Stanley Park, as the Northern seawall is still closed due to the windstorm from several months ago. Thus, we will walk all the way to Prospect Point along the Eastern seawall, and then turn back and return to where we started. The whole walk should be about 8 km.
-after having finished the walk, and having given great witness to the pro-life message, we say our goodbyes. The Crossroads group stays in Vancouver that evening and Sunday. They are off to Abbotsford on Monday as their first stop in their walk across Canada.

For more information about Crossroads, please check out the website at or email . If you are interested in participating in the program, there is still time to apply.

Hope to see you all there on the 19th, rain or shine.

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