Sunday, August 5, 2007

August 4 2007 (Saturday)

Okay, this morning we woke up, Father had a private Mass for us, then we went to one of the Morgentaler clinics here in Montreal to pray. For those who don't know, Morgentaler was the man who basically established abortion clinics across the country when abortion was still illegal. This case then went to the Supreme Court where it decided that abortion should be made legal. We haven't had too much of a response from Montreal, most people ignore us. Especially when we were walking, we only got 2 or 3 positives.
After we prayed there, we went to the St-Marie-Reigne-du-Monde church, where we were supposed to meet up with a pro-life group to pray the Rosary, but that never happened. But we got there nonetheless, got to visit the church, which was huge! From there we just came back to the rectory and just did up our Mass kits and other things till evening Masses. I gave a talk at St. Monica's. Tonight we went out for a meal at St. Hubert, since Father was away and we couldn't get into the rectory.
Afterwards, Ben and I visited St. Joseph's Oratory. It was very impressive, although only the crypt was open when we got there (it was 10pm at night). So we visited Brother Andre's tomb, and saw the hundreds of crutches from people who were healed by his intercession. The view over Montreal at night from on top of the hill where the Oratory is is also very amazing.

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