Saturday, June 23, 2007

June 19 2007 (Tuesday)

Hi all,
Today was a pretty ordinary day. We got up, went to Mass in Regina, then left to go walking. We did a good 50 km today.
Today we received some good news from our walk leader, Cyril. Firstly, it appears as though Cyril made a mistake in his calculations for the trip. He had assumed the walk was going to last 11 weeks, and had planned the walk schedule accordingly. However, this walk goes from May 19 to August 11, which is twelve weeks. This means that, instantly, we are now one week ahead of schedule. Thanks to this, we will be taking it easy this week - nightshift on Thursday and dayshift on Friday are canceled. I hope we will be able to use this time wisely doing more pro-life things. Second piece of good newsis that the central walk RV got fixed, which means that we will get our rightful RV sent up very shortly. That means replacing old Betty with a beautiful new RV. Third piece of good news is that this weekend somebody is lending us their house, while they are out of town. That's always nicer than the alternative - sleeping in the RV and van. Hopefully things keep going well. Bye for now,


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