Saturday, June 30, 2007

June 23 2007 (Saturday)

Today we prayed outside of the Regina general hospital, where they perform abortions. We got there at about 2pm, and stayed till 4pm. We encountered a bit of opposition today. Initially, we were on the front sidewalk facing the street, but soon after we began two officers told us we couldn't stand there, so we had to stand in the street along the curb. Furthermore, we were across the street from some apartments, and at one point during the first hour some guy threw a couple of eggs at us. Thankfully, he didn't manage to get any of us. I think it was the same guy who later cranked up his music very loud so we couldn't hear ourselves. In any case, we also got some positive response, as some people from off the street decided just to join us. We also got to discuss the issues with some people afterwards who were wondering what we were doing outside of a hospital.
Afterwards, I was dropped off at Blessed Sacrament, a really nice church with very beautiful music. I look forward to going there again tomorrow. Bye for now,


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